Welcome to my website! I’m Matthias Lipeck and I work on projects that connect art, design, and architecture. Here, I document my work as the head of SpaceLab and lecturer at Anhalt University, along with my workshops, performances, and various projects in collaboration with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Büro 106, and other creative partners. Let yourself be inspired by the intersection of traditional Bauhaus principles and contemporary design and the engaging exploration of space, form, and movement enriched by interdisciplinary collaboration.
since 04/2019
Part of working group
Buero 106
since 10/2018
teacher at the
International Master Architecture (DIA) Department of Architecture at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Elective: Art Techniques (Drawing, Sculpture, Performance)
since 03/2009
Head of
SpaceLab -
Department of Design at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Dessau
chair of Product Design, CAD/Technology Prof. Nicolai Neubert
Teaching Activities
International Master Architecture (DIA) Department of Architecture at Anhalt University of Applied
winter term 2024 Elective
Acting Objects with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Rigo Saura
summer term 2024 Elective
Biotechnical Performing with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
winter term 2023 Elective
Becoming Polytop with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
summer term 2023 Elective
Masks in Motion Garden - readressing Mask Choir-Experiments of the historical Bauhaus Stage.
with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
winter term 2022 Elective
Instead of The Pathetics: The Great Ones - Big art bodies and marionettes of the Bauhaus stage as metamorphosis apparatuses. with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
summer term 2022 Elective
Chorus of Chimeras - a Triadic Fiction after Oskar Schlemmer and other-than-humans. with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
winter term 2021 Elective
Insectoid movements with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
summer term 2021 Elective
embodiement of forms and concepts with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
Winter term 2020 Elective
Exercising X-ists with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
summer term 2020 Elective
Bauhaus Finger Spaces in Motion with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
Winter term 2019 Elective
Play Bauhaus – form dances to architecture with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
summer term 2019 Elective
Freie Klasse Dessau with Beeke Bartelt
Winter term 2018 Elective
Freie Klasse Dessau with
Ursula Achternkamp, Beeke Bartelt
Teaching Activities
Master Integrated Design (MAID) Department of Design at
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
summer term 2022 Elective
Movable Architecture with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
Winter term 2021 Elective
Light Apparatuses with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
Winter term 2020 Elective
From rhythmic movements to plastic forms: 3D-models of human kinespheres with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
Workshops - Performances - Events - Talks - exhibition
12/2024 - performance
Acting Objects - lecture performance - Bauhaus-Bühne - Dessau
final presentation of the elective course "Art Techniques " with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
09/2024 - organize - performance
Bauhaus Festival 2024: Das B(l)auhaus tanzt!
triadic Dance Club
07/2024 - performance
AS RELATED TO PLANTS - lecture performance - Bauhaus-Bühne - Dessau
final presentation of the elective course "becoming Polytop" with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
05/2024 - technical team
Werkleitz Festival
- Tank oder Teller - Halle (Saale)
01/2024 - performance
Structures in motion - lecture performance - Bauhaus-Bühne - Dessau
final presentation of the elective course "becoming Polytop" with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
12/2023 - performance
Becoming Polytop Christmas performance - Dessau
10/2023 - performance
SzenenWechsel - ZKM - Karlsruhe
Linda Pense and
Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
09/2023 - organize - performance
Bauhaus Festival 2023: Mechanische Körper
triadic Dance Club
07/2023 - performance
Masks in Motion Garden - Dessau
A moving performance with DIA students at the master graduation ceremony
with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
06/2023 - technical team
Werkleitz Festival
- Mein Schatz - Wiederstedt
05/2023 - Workshop
Offene Werkstatt Bauhaus-Bühne Dessau
Dancing like Schlemmer! - with Kilian Aaron Gärtner (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
01/2023 - performance
Architectural Marionettes - Dessau
A moving performance with DIA students, inspired on the Bauhaus stage pedagogy of Oskar Schlemmer.
with Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation),
Mikhail Lylov
at the
Designing Utopias Conference
12/2022 - performance
Triadic Christmas performance - Dessau
10/2022 - technical support - helping hand
8. Internationalen Marianne Brandt Wettbewerb - Chemnitz
Internationalen Marianne Brandt Wettbewerb
09/2022 - collective exhibition
Nach der kunst - contorhaus leipzig
Bordsteinperlen - Street photography
09/2022 - organize - performance
Bauhaus Festival 2022: dappled, splotched, striped
Triadic Dance Club. Yellow.Pink.Black
07/2022 - performance
Eine Formenspiel-Performance mit Flachfiguren – frei nach einem Bauhausbühnen-Experiment von Oskar Schlemmer. Studierende aus dem MAID-Elective Course „Movable Architectures“ von Torsten Blume und Matthias Lipeck.
06/2022 - talk
9. Mitteldeutsches Forum 3D-Druck in der Anwendung - Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule, Jena
3D-Druck im Produktdesign: Einsatz von biobasierten Materialien with Benjamin Kemper
06/2022 - performance
Triadisches Ballett
old castle -
Wüstenrot Stiftung - Stuttgart
06/2022 - performance
MOVED BY SCHLEMMER - Triadisches Ballett
Staatsgalerie - Stuttgart
06/2022 - Workshop
Offene Werkstatt im Bauhaus Museum Dessau
Fleckenteufel, Zahnfee, Meister Proper … Was sind zeitgemäße Hygienesuperheld*innen? - with Kilian Aaron Gärtner (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
05/2022 - Workshop
Offene Werkstatt im Bauhaus Museum Dessau
Reklamewerkstatt Reloaded - with Kilian Aaron Gärtner (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
09/2021 - talk
„perANHALTer zum Unternehmenserfolg“ 3D-Druck – Anwendungen in der Wirtschaft - Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau
3D-Druck im Produktdesign
08/2021 - performance
Bauhaus Festival-Week 2021 - Connecting Games
"Sound Figures – Oskar Schlemmer's Figural Cabinet: Newly Set to Music and Moving"
08/2021 - performance
Bauhaus Festival-Week 2021 - Connecting Games
Connecting Figures - performance - walk from the bauhaus-museum to the bauhaus
06/2021 - technical team
Werkleitz Festival
- move to ... - Halle (Saale)
11/2020 - performance
Rhythm Models
Results of a contemporary examination of Appia's spatial and body concepts in the training of architects and designers with students from Anhalt University
Opening Appia Stage at the Bauhaus Museum
03/2020 - performance
performance for the neighborhood festival
at the Bauhaus Museum
03/2020 - performance
performance-demonstration to join in and with Torsten Blume
bauhaus open stage studio programm
at the Bauhaus Museum
12/2019 - performance
bioformal-constructive bauhaus-gymnastics
at the Bauhaus Museum
Professional experience
10/2007 – 03/2009
Teaching Assistant at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, department of Agriculture, Ecotrophology and Landscape Design, chair of Applied Informatics of Garden and Landscape Architecture / Prof. Einar Kretzler
05/2007 – 05/2008
Technical Assistant at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, department of Agriculture, Ecotrophology and Landscape Design, Research Project "Development of a CAD-based dynamic interactive plantation plan" / Prof. Einar Kretzler
Graduate degrees
04/2019 - 09/2020
Graduate Program:
Integrated Design M.A., department of
Design at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Dessau
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master Thesis: "bauhaus stage – space apparatus. Joost Schmidt`s concept of a mechanical stage as a methodogical model for todays design experimentation."
Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer, Torsten Blume (
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
10/2013 - 3/2019
Graduate Program: Multimedia Design (M.A.), department of Design at
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
10/2001 - 3/2007
Diploma Studies: Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Anhalt University of Applied Science in Bernburg
Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
Thesis: "Introduction of a mobile park information system with the example of park Spiegelsberge in Halberstadt"
Prof. Einar Kretzler,
Petra Schoelkopf
Association membership
VorOrt e.V.
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